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Condition: | Year of production 2021 | Original box | Original papers
Excl. shipping
Security on Chrono24
  • Escrow Service unavailable
  • Ownership confirmed
  • No legal obligation to accept returns of private sales


More About This Listing

Basic Info

Listing code J58ES4
Brand Rado
Model DiaMaster
Reference number 01.218.0064.3.471
Year of production 2021
Scope of delivery
Original box, original papers
Gender Women's watch
Location India, 641603
Price $1,400 (= AU$2,185) [Negotiable]
Availability Item is in stock

Security on Chrono24 for This Listing

Ownership confirmed

Ownership confirmed

Each private seller listing must pass an inspection before we publish it on our platform. As part of the inspection, the seller must provide proof of ownership in the form of two pictures of the watch set to specific times.

Insured shipping

Insured shipping

We tell every private seller to ship orders fully insured and with a tracking number. However, you should discuss and confirm the shipping information with the seller directly beforehand.

Chrono24's quality & security team

Chrono24's quality & security team

Our 40-person quality & security team works hard to detect suspicious listings and address issues before they arise, allowing you to focus on what's most important – finding the right watch!

Escrow Service unavailable

Escrow Service unavailable

Unfortunately, we cannot offer Chrono24's Escrow Service for this listing. Instead, you will pay the purchase price directly to the seller. As always, our multilingual support team would be happy to offer assistance should you need it!

No legal obligation to accept returns

No legal obligation to accept returns

Private sellers are not legally obligated to accept returns. We recommend discussing return options with the seller directly before placing your order.

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Private Seller
Praddeep E.
User since 2023


Do you have any questions?

Here's how to purchase this item:
  1. Click on the green "Buy" button on the listing page, and enter your shipping address.
  2. The seller will send you an individualized offer, including shipping costs.
  3. Accept the offer to order the item.
  4. We will then send you the payment information so you can pay for your order.
  5. The seller will ship your order as soon as your payment goes through.
Here's how to negotiate a price with a seller:
  1. Click on the "Suggest a price" button on the listing page.
  2. Enter your price suggestion and shipping address so the seller can calculate shipping costs.
  3. The seller will make you an individualized offer, including shipping costs.
  4. Accept the offer to order the item.
  5. We will then send you the payment information so you can pay for your order.
  6. As soon as your payment arrives, the seller will ship your item.

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